Rua das Gaivotas 6, directed by Teatro Praga, continues a 23 years old project which, since it passed by the Animation Center of Miguel Bombarda’s Hospital and by a warehouse in Xabregas, has always bared in mind its main goal: to promote artistic creation in Lisbon, by hosting projects, residencies and presentations within the diverse fields of art.
Rua das Gaivotas 6 is a space which aims at gathering, sharing and experimenting, bringing together the most recent and diverse artistic production that takes place in Lisbon.
This is a city filled with creative minds and artistic manifestations, which are mostly presented out of the main arts circuits and institutions. Or when included within this programs, these artistic projects lack time and/or space to grow and build up.
Rua das Gaivotas 6 seeks to unveil, not only to the arts community but also to a broader audience, the youngest and newest contemporary artistic work that hasn’t yet found its place in the established venues and institutions, and which, nevertheless, reflects the portuguese contemporary culture.
Besides providing the necessary conditions for each project to be presented, Rua das Gaivotas 6 team keeps a close relationship with the young artists that pass by our space, supporting them on a technical, production and communication level and following their growth and evolution.
We also take in consideration our social and educational role and responsibility. Teatro Praga is a member of the Social Commission of Misericórdia’s neighborhood, with whom it regularly collaborates.
The Documentation Center for the Performing Arts and Mediateque, opened to the public from tuesday to friday, from 2 to 7pm, frequently turns a room for conferences, talks, debates and workshops. The catalogue for its archive is now available here and is mainly focused on the subjects and artistic fields we bring up in the space.

Chulo (Choo-Low) by Rafaela Jacinto

The Wormhole by Mariana Nobre Vieira