Gaivotas Em Terra

Carlota Lagido


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    Thursday-Sunday •
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    Friday-Saturday •

Duration: 60min
Age-range: 18

Booking: 6€

Black has 50 recognizable shades. It conveys a series of symbolic appropriations that have been transformed and taken different meanings over time. It is a color of antagonistic adjectives. On the one hand, black is the color of protest and Anarchism, on the other hand, it is also the color of Fascism. Until the nineteenth century, black was the color of brides, since it was best suited for the business aspect involving any wedding at the time. Black is the color associated with evil, yet is the clerical color. In Spain during the Inquisition, people dressed in black in order to let any expression stand out, and making it possible to control unsuitable facial movements. Black is also the color of death and the end. In nature, all elements in its decay processes, become a dark matter. It is the color of the night fright. Black is the color used to name the so-called “dark matter” theory, in Astrophysics. Its the vacuum color. It is also the color of the beginning of everything.


concept andartistic direction Carlota Lagido
performed by Tiago Vieira, Antoine Pimentel and Carlota Lagido
artistic consultant José Capela
assistence and dramaturgy support Pietro Romani
set design, video, photography Antoine Pimentel
sound design and live music Antoine Pimentel
costumes Carlota Lagido
light design Nuno Patinho
graphic design Joana Areal/Thisislove
production Horta Seca
support O Lugar do Meio, ArteTotal, BCN, Mala Voadora, TAGV, Companhia Olga Roriz, Festival Temps d’Images, Citac, Missom, EIRA, Polo Cultural das Gaivotas / CML
acknowledgments António Amaral, André Uerba, Gonçalo Passos
financed by Governo de Portugal – MinistĂ©rio da Cultura / DGArtes