Gaivotas Em Terra

Carlos Manuel Oliveira


Tuesday-Thursday •

Duration: 60min
Age-range: 16

Booking: 7.50€ • 5€ [Discount]

There are moments when everything seems possible to us. Something happens and immediately we imagine outcomes with the same ease with which we dream the world. But between imagination and calculus, between potentiality and possibility, there is the distance of a space made of forces without form and of times without measure. Let us remain in the imagination of what is possible and soon we’ll understand that, more than the form or the number of things, what entertains us is the sensation of a belonging. We belong to the world but, more than that, to a memory. We live occupied by it and with it we connect to what is of its concern. An unmeasurable belonging, a depthless depth, beyond the limits of possibility. But also the world unfolds beyond our desires, as possible. And we unfold with it, more or less frustrated. It is not the world’s responsibility to fulfill our desires but it is our responsibility to dream as we can. And from proposition to proposition to imagine what we can.

/ credits

coreography and performance Carlos Manuel Oliveira
institutional support Incubadora D’Artes (Santarém), Programa Artistas en Residencia (Montevideo), GEN – Centro de Artes y Ciencia (Montevideo), Centro de Referência da Dança de São Paulo, Teatro Baden Powell – Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro
finantial support Fundação GDA, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, DGArtes – Direcção-Geral das Artes | República Portuguesa – Cultura







Observation If you need reading spectacles, please bring them with you.