
Gaivotas Em Terra

Anajara Laisa Amarante


Friday-Saturday •

Booking: 7€ • 5€ [Discount]

Pecar is a performance art piece, full of movement. A journey into a world where three different creatures open and co-exist, though in different phases, as they all are one person. An intense and strong experience in three phases: the sinner, the saint and the freed creature, who fears no sin, no wonder and no destruction An interaction which happens through the „sewing“ of the phases: the artist helping herself to deconstruct the space and turn herself into someone else, in front of the audience’s eyes .

Different body languages and poetry, joined through the common ground of gender discussion, empowerment, a deep journey into uncomfortable feelings and the courage of facing it with all its movement. Quoting Kimerer L. Lamote, “movement is transformation. What moves is never the same. Every shape of movement is always productive, generative of its next shape“ – and so the three creatures open space to each other.

The first character incorporates our sins, all the dirt, ridiculousness and sensuality of it.

Shortly after the incorporation ….everything is washed, the victim and saint comes with the disable movement of a broken body. And the final purification through a dyonisical fire force, inspired through a hobo artist met in Greece and an artist friend who passed away but left a full inspirational art history.

SUPPORT Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas Boavista, European Cultural Foundation, Compagnia di San Paolo

Anajara Laisa Amarante is a Biologist, has a Master of Arts in Communication and a further in 2005, transitioning between the fields of performing arts such as performance, dance, theatre and cinema. Until today dance has been the most actual field and also the one she has longest researched. For a short but joyful experience she worked in cinema in Portugal with Joao Salaviza. She has worked and collaborated with different groups and projects, along with creating solos and duos wherever she has lived. Her work has been exhibited in all the places she has been resident and it has also toured in countries such as Italy, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Brazil.