João de Brito
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Tuesday-Saturday •
Sunday •
Duration: 90min
Age-range: 12
Booking: 8€ • 6€ [Discount]
Algarve is divided by two Kingdoms, the small kingdom of Barlavento, and the small kingdom of Sotavento. The prince and princess from these exquisite kingdoms are Leôncio and Lena. For royal will, their destiny will be intersected by marriage. They both run to Lisbon. Yes, its said that they meet without knowing each other, and then they fall in love and do get married. Oh!… it was fate and so on, but not quite like that!
/ credits
creation and scenography by João de Brito
cast André Nunes, Carlos Malvarez e Joana Timbal
light design Nuno Figueira
video and photography Rita Figueiredo
produced by LAMA
production and Disclosure Support Daniela Sampaio and Joana Ferreira / OX | P