Gaivotas Em Terra

Rafaela Jacinto


[Young Emerging Performers]

Thursday-Sunday •

Duration: 50min
Age-range: 12

Booking: 5€

MAKE-UP Ophelia Rocha
CHOREOGRAPHY Marta de Sousa Correia
CO-PRODUCTION Young Emerging Performers (Rua das Gaivotas 6 and O Espaço do Tempo)

If the Nile river in Egypt, Euphrates and Tiger in Mesopotamia and Yangsté river in China gave way to the first urban civilizations [I’ll pay you 20€ to flirt with my straight neighbor] this was something glamorous and dangerous and vibrant and sexy. This was electroclash.

Rippin Kittin playing in the circle (x4) oooooooo, Alright, I stopped. I can’t write under pressure.

Vesuvius eruption buried the people of Pompeii, Herculaneum and Stabia. The narrative proceeds. The ashes fell over the ships, becoming warmer and thicker.
¡Qué Chula! – Hey Girl!

I’m tired of the one who goes up on the elevator at the expense of the one who pushes the button. I have nothing to give (x2) but I’m not dead and Electroclash isn’t either: MoMA is tired, MoMA needs rehearsal.

This performance is presented within Young Emerging Performers, a result of the partnership between Rua das Gaivotas 6 and Espaço do Tempo.

Mariana Monteiro, 1993, Oporto. First thoughts went to painting, cinema, landscape architecture but the graduation was in Stage Design by Lisbon Theatre and Film School. Colaborated with the film director Bruno de Almeida and the performers Kate McIntosh and Christophe Meierhans. Worked in Prague, Czech Republic at Pink Productions with Kamila Polívková and Bet Orten. Participated in the Quadrennial of Prague in 2015 with the project “L341” selected by APCEN. Currently collaborates with the film directors Joaquim Pinto and Nuno Leonel in movie set and costume designer

Rafaela Jacinto, 1994, Bombarral. Graduated in Theater by Lisbon Theatre and Film School with the play “Tornados”, by Alex Cassal and Felipe Rocha. Worked in Maria Matos Theatre with “As Cidades Invisíveis” a play that went on a Latin America tour where she felt in love with Salvador da Bahia.Worked in the performances “A Hundred Wars To World Peace” by Christophe Meierhans and “Worktable” by Kate McIntosh and recently with Teatro Praga in “Spring Awakening, a tragedy of childhood”. Currently works as an actress, performer, filmmaker, writer and collaborates with the film directors Joaquim Pinto and Nuno Leonel.