To Seagulls, to Dogs and to the Next Animals

To Seagulls, to Dogs and to the Next Animals
Gaivotas Em Terra

Tânia Geiroto Marcelino

To Seagulls, to Dogs and to the Next Animals

  • Saturday •
  • -

tuesday-saturday • -

INTERFLUENCIES #8: 29 feb ● saturday ● 16h00

Booking: Free entrance

Best case scenario, the objects of this exhibition are evasive. Considering that the title already says so much, names so many, hopefully my sculptures, objects, drawings and situations do not say a thing, be mute of words, be unspeakable.

The flaw is, simultaneously, my practice’s goal and desire: the imponderable, what is continuously diverting, what cannot exactly be held, what is latent.

Approaching, by approximation, the flaw, that is to say, the practice that searches the smaller gap between things and that takes as its measure the reach, can only produce objects that are incapable to translate themselves. From the thing until here, transmission is always incomplete. Or it is accepted as it is, as the unit it presents. Object that is indeed what is exhibited in all its sides.

Untranslatable objects are the produced artistic objects, then. If it may, the difficulty it is not alone in the naming them, but also in the borders of their materiality.

Something similar to naming, as ontological operation, has to do with my work. Naming is, in first degree, to surround a thing, to stand it out of the amalgam of everything and afterwards it is to assign to it (between giving and grafting, between affection and violence) a signifier, a name. The most violent is trying to define them. But also by grasping them, it is possible to open other gaps, producing object of contact, of coexistence, possible objects, even if they are in transit and mutable.

Tânia Geiroto Marcelino (Lisbon, 1989) works in a language of post-minimal interventive possibilities. Graduated in Painting from FBAUL (2013) and in Contemporary Artistic Practices at FBAUP (2017). Some of the exhibitions she’s participated in are: Summer Calling’13 (3+1 Arte Contemporânea, group, 2013), À minha palavra favorita e ao que me faz gostar dela (Galeria do Sol, solo, 2017) and Aproximação à falha dos objectos intraduzíveis (Maus Hábitos/Saco Azul, solo, 2017).