A Mirror Always Splits Two Tricksters

A Mirror Always Splits Two Tricksters
Gaivotas Em Terra

Truta no Buraco

A Mirror Always Splits Two Tricksters

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    Thursday-Saturday •
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    Thursday-Saturday •

Duration: 60min
Age-range: +16
𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐓𝐒: 5€ / 8€ / 12€
: : : : : : : : : : : : :: the different prices do not correspond to a difference in seats, they simply allow you to pay the minimum or, if possible, to contribute more to support the artists
𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁𝐄 𝐄𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐀𝐃𝐎𝐑: March 28, after the show

Booking: €

Major events inevitably have their audience as a determining factor in their success or failure. It is the story of those many anonymous people who refused to just look and, for better or worse reasons, imposed concrete reality on that of the imagination that we want to bring to the attention of today’s public, recalling a part of what once was in other corners of history.

“We are on a path that could lead us to any destination but success. That of an unpleasant theater.”
Nelson Rodrigues

Which books influence artistic creation? What are the books of a lifetime? Each month there is one chosen by each RdG6 artist. Books available for consultation and sale.

Truta no Buraco’s choice is…

The Girl Without A Star
by Nelson Rodrigues

(Tinta da China, 2016)
After the short stories in Life As It Is and the collection of chronicles The Fatal Man, Tinta-da-china is stepping up its commitment to one of the most talented and controversial writers and is publishing A Menina sem Estrela, his remarkable memoir, for the first time in Portugal. Famous for his political reactionism, disconcerting for the violence and betrayal of his fictions of lovelessness, it is through these memoirs that we get to the writer’s nerves and heart.
The murder of his brother Roberto, his first naked wife, the hunger that didn’t allow him to hate, the eternal loves dreamt of in the backyard, his artistic insecurities or the impossibility of surviving his father’s death, all shared with his usual honesty but with the calm of intimacy.

Ficha técnica

Text, staging and stage space: Andreia Farinha
Creation: Truta no Buraco
Performed by: Andreia Farinha, Sanheiro Rilhó and João Ayton, with the participation of Anafaia Supico and Francisca Bagulho
Set design: João Calixto
Set design assistance: Catarina Sousa and Rafael dos Santos
Costumes and props: Anafaia Supico, with the participation of Begoña Claveria and Ricardo Donas
Public video: Frederico Lobo
Backstage video: Luísa Homem
Sound design: Raphael Soares
Original music: Garoa (Raphael Soares: drums and percussion and Henrique Diaz: piano, synthesizer and percussion).
In the theme “Reger o público” with Pedro Alves Sousa: saxophone.
Recording and mixing: Raphael Soares
Light design: Pedro Guimarães
Light operation: Hugo Vasconcelos
Complaint letter writing: Andreia Farinha, Fernando Ramalho, Tiago Mesquita, Rafael dos Santos, Pedro Rita, Bruno Silva, João Melo, Joana Fernandes and José Smith Vargas
Choreographic support: Monita Ruedas and Carlos Ruedas
Production: Francisca Bagulho
Communication: João Ayton and Ricardo Donas
Graphic design: Begoña Claveria
Poster illustration: José Smith Vargas
Memes and stickers: Ricardo Donas
Revisions and translations: João Ayton
Chocolate mousse: Felisbela Rilhó

Audience members: Lana Almeida, Tatiana Arquizan, Filipa B. Jaques, Beatriz Bagulho, Joana Bagulho, Beatriz Beja, Regina Branco, Patricia Braz, Ângelo Castro, Inês Correia, Ricardo Donas, Alice Macedo, Guilherme Macedo, Iris Macedo, Laura Farinha, Rui Farinha, Gabriel Fernandes, Joana Fernandes, Rita Fias, Joana Frazão, Nicole Garcia, Patricia Garcia, Samuel Jorge, Diogo Lopes, Rita Luís, Guilherme Luz, Carolina Martins, Tiago Mesquita, Andreia Neves, Inês Oliveira, Mariana Pinho, Pedro Rainha, Pedro Rita, Catarina Rodrigues, Inês Rodrigues,
Catarina Santos, Teresa Sardinha, Njamy Sebastião, Yonamine Sebastião, José Smith, Madalena W. Castro and Mariana Wallenstein

Nelson Rodrigues “A Menina sem Estrela” Tinta da China, Paul Hervieu
“Diogenes the Dog” E-Primatur, Luther Blissett ‘Q’ Einaudi.

Financial Support: Portuguese Republic – Culture / Directorate General for the Arts; GDA Foundation; Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Co-Production in Residence: O Espaço do Tempo.

Support: Rua das Gaivotas 6; Lisbon City Council – Polo Cultural
Gaivotas; Cão Solteiro Residências 120


Truta no Buraco is a company formed by a group of people who, over the last few years, have been consolidating a style and an artistic team with the aim of thinking socially about life and culture, awakened to the insight that our condition demands it. We are not privileged by solitude.

We harbor the conviction that this group is genuinely committed to producing critical thinking about the world through a culture that is more accessible and less politically appealing and cheesy. And so, quixotically, we have been improving ourselves in the intricacies of the arts to which, for all our sins, we have decided to dedicate ourselves.

In this time of Ubus, we’d like to take the opportunity, while the blood is still flammable, to waste it on the theater. That’s all.