The Seagull

The Seagull
Gaivotas Em Terra

Pedro Baptista

The Seagull

Wednesday-Sunday •

Duration: 120min
Age-range: 12

Booking: 7.50€ • 5€ [Discount]

This is a rewrite of Anton Chekhov’s The Seagull. We write/compose about its questions. To venture to write about those problems, those figures, the restlessness that comes from any need to relate art to life. It starts in the questions and then grows by another path, as if stretching the cord that Chekhov first conceived. And then comes a text in which the words of the author/director are merged with those of Chekhov and then with the bodies that make up the object.

Finally, it becomes difficult to perceive who speaks: where do those words come from. From which author. From what body. I tis difficult to detect when one is doing text A or B, or more so, figure A or B. Where one begins and ends another. Who is who. Ori f being there is to be by the lake or to be only in that room where the action/show is taking place – without simulacrum, without invocations or representations. With nothing in place of. The dead seagull is just a dead seagull. But can we live without symbols? Without putting on? Without building? That matters: questioning. Worries that produce puzzles. What is this about new forms.

TEXT Anton Tchékhov e Pedro Baptista
DIRECTION Pedro Baptista
WITH Ana Valente, Anabela Ribeiro, Cleo Tavares, Francisco Sousa, Inês Vaz, Mário Coelho e Rita Rocha Silva
LIGHT DESIGN Manuel Abrantes